Advantages of Non-Lubricated Gear and Roller Systems
Non-lubricated gear and roller systems have a number of advantages. For instance, they can be more durable than steel gears, are quieter to run, and can run for thousands of hours without requiring maintenance. They are also compatible with a variety of different applications. Regardless of the reason for non-lubrication, non-metallic gears are a great choice for your next production line.
A common method of testing non-lubricated gear is to apply machinist's layout lacquer to the active gear teeth. This lacquer will prevent the gear from slipping under load, and it will show any lift patterns. When you're done, you can take a photograph and mount it on paper to keep track of the lift patterns. With
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Another advantage to plastic-metal composite gear is its ability to withstand a wide range of load conditions, high temperatures, and a lack of lubrication. Cast Nylon 12, or lauramid, is an exceptionally dense plastic. While other plastics have pockets of crystal embedded in their amorphous mass, lauramid has a uniform density that allows for precision manufacturing of plastic gear.
Another reason to lubricate gears is to prevent abrasive wear. This happens when hard particles slide between the gears, such as dirt, scale, and wear debris. Another problem that causes abrasive wear is the presence of particulate contaminants in gear oil. This wear will eventually cause the gear to degrade, and can severely damage the roller and pinion.
Choosing the right type of lubricant is essential to the longevity and efficiency of the gear. When selecting the proper lubricant, you should take into consideration the type of gear and roller and how it will be used. Proper lubrication prevents wear and tear, reducing the need for maintenance. If the topic is still not clear to you, get
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The benefits of lubrication include good wear protection, reduced surface fatigue, and compatibility with seal materials. Using lubricants with a low coefficient of traction reduces surface fatigue and is compatible with seal materials. Depending on the application, lubrication may not be necessary.
In addition to lubrication, the non-metal gear and roller can be self-lubricating and may even be made of plastic. Plastic gears are often made from nylon 12, lauramid, delrin, or phenolic composites. A non-metal gear will have a different pitch diameter than a metal gear. Education is a never ending process, so continue reading here: